Monday, July 4, 2011

la jolla

Happy 4th of July!!  Im afraid it has kind of lost it's luster for me here... Seeing as Sea World has fire works every night  just down the water from my house... and the holiday traffic this weekend has been impossible where I live..PB sounds like WSU greek row (on a monday) every night this weekend.. not a good time to live by the beach :-)

I am growing pretty fond of La Jolla, the town I work in, and I am pretty sure it is because of the sea lions.  On memorial day, I walked around the beach where they hang out, literally feet away from people swimming.. it was pretty fun.  At the same time, I was thinking, you couldn't pay me enough money to swim in that nasty sea lion polluted water... 

So of course, two days ago, I took a little dip in the nasty sea lion polluted water, and like everyone else, I survived.  I also wore a wet suit (picture the episode of friends where Ross wears the leather pants- thats me with this wet suit) and had a go at snorkeling.. which pretty much consisted of me kinda swimming around, more concerned about just staying alive than looking at fish and other water things.  Of course there was absolutely nothing harmful about the events- I was just kinda freaked. 

We snorkeled into some caves which was really neat (really really neat).. and we could climb around the rocks and stuff.. well as much climbing as I could do with flippers.. so I sort of scooted/crab walked up.. it happens.  Our flippers were hurting our feet, so instead of swimming back, we hopped out at some rocks and walked back. 

It was at this moment that I realized I am not outdoorsey, or daring, at all.  The people I was with, my friend and his sister- were like Simba and Nala prancing along these rocks to get out. 

Picture a potato scaling some rocks. That was me. 

Just like on the paddle boarding day, when I was done I had this feeling of "aw I don't want to leave" and then I remember I'm not on vacation.. and living here is amazing. 

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